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Team Project


For our project We made a three sided sensory station. We did the sensory station because when disabled or handicapped kids go to the park they can't usually do what other kids can. This board has tons of recycled stuff like fidget spinners, locks, and more. Not only does this let disabled and handicapped kids play, it also helps develop fine motor skills in small children whose senses have not fully developed.


We discovered that a lot of parks in our area didn't have things for children with certain disabilities. This would be things such as blind, deaf, and physical handicaps, pretty much anything that stops children from playing on an average playground. This is important because we want these kids, or even adults, to have just as much fun as any others.



To solve the problem we indentified we decided to make a three sided sensory station. We have two designs, one for parks and one for schools. The park design will be set in the ground on one pole with cement and have a roof over it to provide some shade and help protect it from weather. The school design will have 3 poles with locking wheels so it can easily  be moved from classroom ot classroom. All activities on the sensory stations will be unique, creative, and different from other ones we design.


We shared our project idea with the community at a fall festival and multiple business professionals. They loved our idea and gave us helpful suggestions on improvement. A large company decided to sponsor our first sensory station by providing materails like wood, metal, cement, etc. We also fund our project through our porch planter fundraiser. We would love to share our idea with you! Just fill out the form below and let us know you are interested!



This is a picture of our first sensory station installed at a park! We plan to implement our project in other parks and schools at no cost to the community! Interested in adding a station to a park or school in your area? Interested in sponsoring the cost of a sensory station? Please fill out the form below and let us know!


Identify a problem


Sensory Station Locations

To make it easy for people find our sensory station locations we are using a website called This website assigns three words for every 3m square in the world so you simply visit the website and type in the words for the location you are trying to find!

Our first Sensory Station location:


We are working to have more locations coming soon!

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