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Coach Stacey

I have been coaching FLL Team Lego Tech for 4 years and I am so thankful for the programs FIRST provides for children ages 6 and up. It is so rewarding to see the team members grow and learn in programming, building, researching, and so many more areas this program engages them in each season.


"Inspiring our future leaders and engineers through the mission of FIRST!"

Coach April

This is my first year as a coach for Team Lego Tech but my second year with the program as a mom of a team member.


I am very impressed with the mission of FIRST and how they are training this generation to be tomorrow's leaders.

Marble Surface

Mentor - Jayden

I was on team Lego Tech for 2 years before aging out and joining a FRC team. Ever since I aged out I have been mentoring Lego Tech, a total of 4 years, on how to build, program, and drive the robot.

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